Vote-by-Mail Request and Early Voting Reports

Requesting Access to Vote-by-Mail information

Vote-by-mail ballot request files are posted daily on the Division of Elections' website as forwarded by the Supervisors of Elections during the respective election’s reporting period.

Statutory Requirements

  • Vote-by-mail ballot request information is confidential and exempt from public disclosure under section 101.62(2), Florida Statutes, except to the specific persons or entities who may obtain and use it for political purposes only (see Authorization Categories below). A voter is also entitled access but only to his or her vote-by-mail information which can be obtained from the Supervisor of Elections in the county of residence.
  • An online account authorizing access is only valid for one general election cycle (i.e. the year in which the scheduled primary and general elections and any special elections are held in that year).
  • The online account authorizing access automatically expires at the end of the calendar year in which issued or whenever someone is no longer eligible to access the information. You will have to reapply to renew access (Rule 1S-2.043(3)(d), F.A.C.).
  • Access to the files for the respective election is only available during the reporting period for the respective election – i.e., 60 days before the election through 15 days after the election.

Gaining access is a multi-step process

  • Step 1: Create an account with an email and password to receive an email containing a confirmation link
  • Step 2: Confirm your email address to receive an email containing an application link.
  • Step 3: Complete the application and submit for approval.
  • Step 4: Upon approval, you can access the Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request files during the reporting period for the respective election in the general election cycle, i.e., 60 days before through 15 days after the respective election.

A candidate who has filed qualification papers and is opposed in an upcoming election
Canvassing board
Political committee
A political party or official thereof

Password requirements:
  • 14 characters or more
  • Include at least (1) upper-case AND (1) lower-case letter
  • Include at least (1) number AND (1) special character
  • Passwords are Case Sensitive

For display issues, please check that your browser is not in ‘Compatibility View’ mode.

Upon registering, an email will be sent to you containing a link that will expire in 10 minutes.

Already have an account?

If you are experiencing a problem with this web site please contact the Division of Elections.
County Ballot Reports - Version